Anger Management

Recognize and address adolescent and adult anger issues

Perhaps you have friends or loved ones telling you that you have anger concerns, but you don’t see this in yourself?

Have you come to the point in your life where you feel that you could benefit from Anger Management to help you with daily life stressors, dealing with conflicts, coping strategies and techniques that can help you deal with your anger, rage or aggression.

Swift Current Anger Management Counselling

This program also can help you recognize those negative areas in your life, in turn this helps you to build healthy relationships with people.

Anger does not discriminate, anyone can have it at any time for many different reasons. There are sublets of anger such as aggression, and rage, each with different characteristics to them.

Many different people can benefit from Anger Management skills including, Court mandated individuals, Individuals who have difficulty regulating their emotions, Individuals of partners that say their anger is causing issues in relationships, and teens that are experiencing concerns and issues with their anger.

See if you are a good fit for this program today!

Interested In Swift Current Anger Management?

I offer a free 15 minute consultation to discuss your concerns or issues, and together we can decide if we are a match!